Slide bearings are a very important aspect of the construction process, but the jargon involved can often be very confusing. There are some basic terms that need to be understood when discussing the methods of constructing a Slide Bearing or Teflon® Bearing Pad. The many different terms associated with slide bearing surface are listed below, while next week’s article will cover backing plate options.
Steel Manufacturing Blog: Keeping it Steel
Understanding the Differences Between PTFE or Teflon® Slide Bearings
Steel Wedges are among the most basic and yet unique products our steel fabricating customers use. They are used for almost everything, from separating heavy plates in the shop, to with an erector lift for extremely heavy objects, to shimming stair stringers.
Tags: Wedges, Steel Wedges, Steel Wedge, Steel Shims, STEEL SUPPLY
In the case of relieving angles, the typical shim requirements used are almost always require a single slotted. The stock version of this is 3” wide.
Tags: Steel Shims
For anyone looking to looking to create a post hole before laying down concrete, the process can be a nightmare. Some steel fabricators will use PVC pipe or a hard rubber tube to create the hole, but that rarely ever solves the problem. Often, it can be difficult to keep the pipe or tubing in position while pouring the concrete, and after it can be a headache to remove the tubing once the concrete has set. However, steel fabricators no longer have to worry about setting down post holes—the EZ Sleeve is here!
Tags: EZ Sleeve
As engineering standards continue to develop and improve, there seems to be an increasing need for weldable rebar anchors and couplers. To the average fabricator, these wealth of options represent an opportunity for additional profit but requires some understanding of how each system works.
Tags: Anchor Bolts, Rebar Anchor, Rebar Coupler
Will the cost of the hot rolled trend go down in 2015? Maybe, but don’t bet the ranch.
Regarding anchor bolts, ASTM A449 is not a material that should be specified. Regardless, our steel fabricating customer often see drawings calling out for A-449 anchor bolts or fully threaded studs. This is frequently DOT Highway work, where AASHTO specs are more common.
Tags: Anchor Bolts
Anchor Bolt Manufacturing: The S-1 Supplement and its Weldability
Regarding anchor bolt manufacturing, S-1 refers to a section in the ASTM F1554 Specification. The current version is F1554-07a. Under the Supplementary Requirements, section S-1 reads;
Tags: S-1 supplement, Anchor Bolts
The askew head bolt is always and only used in connection with the wedge insert. This system is most commonly employed to secure relieving angles although it can be found in many other instances where steel members will be bolts to concrete.